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Survival or Growth during Market Disruption: Bank Management Lessons from Previous Crises

Home>>Posts>>Webinar Series>>Survival or Growth during Market Disruption: Bank Management Lessons from Previous Crises


Date: Friday October 16, 2020 | Time: 2.00 PM Eastern


Kirk Kordeleski
Quinte Senior Advisor
Former CEO
Bethpage Federal Credit Union


Sriram Natarajan
Quinte Financial Technologies

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The Coronavirus pandemic threatens credit unions and community banks with unprecedented market disruption. It’s also an opportunity to grow assets, build brand, evolve digital capabilities, eliminate low value expenses and significantly improve service, during a period when competitors are most likely to be pulling back.

Our 3-part webinar series, featuring Kirk Kordeleski – former CEO of Bethpage Federal Credit Union – will share insights and best practices for managing the COVID-19 crisis, based on his experience gained from 3 disruptive events: the 9/11 terrorist attack, SuperStorm Sandy and the 2008 Recession.

May 20th on Wednesday at 2:00 PM Eastern
for Part One of our series, which will:

  • Explain how past market disruptions provide valuable lessons for credit unions and community banks on what to do, and what not to do to address the current crisis.
  • Demonstrate how strategic planning, realistic appraisal of opportunities and threats, combined with decisive action can win the day, and seize opportunities.
  • Cover more than a dozen specific “best practices” that can be applied right now.
  • Provide a strong rationale for why leadership either excels with realistic optimism, or dies from fear and inaction, during difficult periods.

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